Leadership academy


The idea

This programme is addressed to people who want to become a leader, or who are already a leader and want to expand their competence within this scope.


Our offer allows leadership skills to be acquired based on the John Maxwell Team programme®. The entire course is based on the leadership theory of John Maxwell – an authority in this field. In Maxwell’s view, the foundations of leadership are responsibility and integrity. These two attributes are what bind together our approach to leadership at all levels of the course. The full teaching cycle covers:


  • Basic workshop “Leadership Skills, Styles, Effectiveness”
  • Basic course “Individual Leadership Development Path”
  • Advanced course “Leadership Gold”

Completing the programme allows us to answer the questions:

  • What does it mean to be a leader?
  • What does it mean to be a “good” leader, and how can it be achieved?
  • What kind of leader am I?
  • What is my mission and how can I accomplish it?
  • How can I build up my position?
  • How can I engage others in achieving goals?
  • What can I do to make people follow after me?

John Maxwell’s theory allows you to discover and define your own unique way of being a leader. It shows what taking on responsibility means in the context of leadership, and what true leadership is. In Maxwell’s conception, the structure of leadership is based on taking care of one’s own development and that of the people on the team.  The programme is a structured investment in your resources. Step by step, you will define what it is to be a leader, and will learn how to engage others in shared activities, at the same time supporting them along their paths as professionals.


You will acquire tools that help you with:  working with others, planning to achieve goals, making changes, going through the process of change, and engaging others in implementing joint projects.

Poznasz również narzędzia, które pomogą ci w: pracy z innymi, planowej realizacji celów, dokonywaniu zmian, przechodzeniu przez proces zmiany i angażowaniu innych w realizację wspólnych projektów.

Basic workshop


Leadership Skills, Styles, Effectiveness

Basic course


Individual Leadership Development Path

Advanced course


Leadership Gold