Diagnosis of organisational culture

Quantitative diagnosis of organisational culture; communication; employee loyalty and satisfaction

We conduct quantitative studies of employees based on the Walker scheme and questionnaire. This is an extraordinarily precise diagnostic tool that permits a comprehensive diagnosis of organisational culture to be made. It identifies the main factors that increase employee loyalty and satisfaction at every level of an organisation. It also indicates all sensitive and currently dysfunctional elements that directly contribute to a low level of loyalty, defective communication and dissatisfaction.

The questionnaire is standardised so that the results it provides can be compared with a benchmark or other results; at the same time, it can be precisely adjusted to the specific nature and activities of the company in which the survey is conducted.

Running the survey is comfortable and safe for employees. Running the process takes from 10-14 days, using the CAWI technique. Every employee has their own individual login to the questionnaire, while their results are recorded on an external server.

Based on the survey results, it is possible to plan very specific remedial measures and activities to improve the functioning of the company, a department, mentoring processes, training, etc.