Career planning module

Managing one’s own career – making conscious decisions, coping with change, getting motivated
Career – plan or accident – basic workshop

The idea

This workshop is addressed to those who are considering their career path, regardless of what ‘stretch’ of the road they are on at the moment. It is not a matter of seniority or professional experience. Rather, it is about whether:

  • you wonder about how you make your professional choices.
  • you ask yourself: who sets the direction of your career – you yourself, or circumstances that arise?
  • you wonder whether and how, on the current market, you can plan your career path.
  • you have noticed that, more often than not, you accept proposals from others rather than set your own course.


During the workshop you will have the opportunity:

  • to analyse your current professional experience in terms of fulfilling your plans for professional development.
  • to work on identifying your individual values and motivators in your professional life.
  • to identify the current direction of your career, and the direction in which you would like to be heading.
  • to identify the business and personal circumstances that determine what is really possible in your career path
  • to identify important limitations in achieving your career plans
  • to set priorities for professional activities


The goal of the workshop is to expand competences for consciously building your career. The workshop can also inspire you to take real action in this direction. It encompasses elements of your on work based on an analysis of your previoius professional experience and your plans for the future. It also provides you with tools that support the implementation of those plans.

Managing projects – advanced workshop

The idea

We approach project management as a set of competences that every person who acts as a project leader should have. Practice shows that projects are often ineffectively managed or are only managed at all when shortcomings, conflicts or difficulties meeting deadlines appear. The effect of bad project management is a dissatisfied customer who resigns from further cooperation, or damage to a brand’s reputation. For the unit, team or company, the costs of bad management are usually high.


During the workshop, you will:

  • go through the whole process, together with us, of project implementation, from the moment a project begins to the moment it can be considered completed.
  • learn how to distinguish the various stages of a project, and the threats and obstacles you may encounter along the way.
  • get to know how to recognise the risk of unforeseen events occurring.
  • learn how to engage others in project implementation and how to maintain their engagement throughout the whole process.
  • learn how to manage complex projects in which several different teams take part, and how to connect the goals of particular teams and cooperate with their leaders.
  • get to know the best methods for optimising the whole process: “less is more”.


The workshop has been structured so you can discover both a theoretical model of project management and tools supporting project implementation, and gain practical experience applying these. The exercises are based on real examples of projects.


During the exercises, you will:

  • define goals, problems and barriers in implementing projects
  • identify and define the tasks of a project leader
  • learn what effective project coordination involves
  • define what factors help or hinder project implementation
  • define the resources you need
  • delegate tasks
  • develop solutions based on the knowledge you have acquired.
Rights and obligations of a project leader – advanced workshop

The idea

This workshop is addressed to persons faced with the task of running a project. Being a project leader entails many concrete challenges. Choosing and involving people, dividing responsibilities, executing work assigned, resolving conflict situations – these are just some of them. Yet the rights and obligations of a leader are not always clearly set out (within the company or team). There are many projects that somehow run “on their own”. In such cases, it’s not entirely clear who the leader is, or what responsibilities particular individuals have. This can give rise to a host of misunderstandings and interpersonal conflicts. It can also be a source of dissatisfaction on the part of the customer who ordered the project.

  • Do you know your strengths as a project leader?
  • What counts more: the goal or people?
  • How can you prepare yourself to implement a project?
  • Do you prepare at all?
  • How do you manage situations where project task deadlines are not met?
  • Do you know what you should do and what you mustn’t do?

There are many more such questions you should ask yourself before carrying out a project. Every project requires planning and conscious management.


During the workshop you will expand your knowledge about:

  • the role of a project leader
  • their areas of responsibility
  • effective task delegation
  • giving credit for the achievement of goals
  • how to motivate and engage others in achieving project goals
  • how to effectively carry out tasks assigned
  • the most common errors in project implementation

The workshop contains information on theoretical models of project management and practical exercises that help develop the competences of a project leader.

Managing change – advanced workshop

The idea

Introducing change is an inseparable part of our personal and private lives. Changes in the business sphere are inevitable today, and an integral part of the process of running a company. Whether they concern a person or an organisation, changes often give rise to resistance about what has to be changed. Even planned changes, where we know what should happen, require preparation and management. Each of us reacts differently in situations of change, and experiences them differently. Experience and studies show that conducting the process of change constructively makes it possible to increase the engagement of the people taking part in the process, and reduces the overall costs involved.


During the workshop, you will:

  • become familiar with the theory of the dynamics of the process of change
  • get to know the characteristics of specific stages of change, and the requirements and limitations each entails
  • find out who your allies in introducing change will be, and who you cannot involve
  • find out how to recognise limitations, weaknesses and obstacles in the process of change, and how to manage them
  • gain practical tools that help at each stage of the process of change.


The workshop is structured so as to ensure you gain knowledge about the process of change and hone your practical skills for moving through change constructively. This will allow you to conduct changes with greater awareness, both in business and in your personal and professional life, such as promotions and changing your place of work.

Principles of building team structures – advanced workshop

The idea

This workshop is addressed to people who would like to prepare themselves in their career to become someone who creates or manages teams, or who find themselves in a situation in which they must take on that role. We start from the assumption that the composition of the team and how it works should depend on its leader. Yet experience shows that team leaders often focus on getting tasks done and achieving goals, while the “team” is left to somehow form itself on its own. Our approach to forming teams encompasses:

  • for the leader – the importance of their individual style as leader on the form of the team
  • for members – the importance of each of them feeling they belong to the team

Every team is different. This is due to many factors: the individuals traits of the leader, the people who comprise it, the organisational culture of the company, and business circumstances. Our goal is to show the way, the importance of the role of the leader and their vision for the team on how it is shaped and how its members work. We believe that a team created in accordance with the individual style of the team leader that at the same time takes account of the needs of the team members will achieve better business results.


During the workshop you will expand your knowledge about:

  • the principles of how teams function
  • the importance of the feeling of belonging to the team for the achievement of team goals
  • team roles
  • communication within the team
  • rules for dividing responsibilites
  • responsibility for team goals.